Directions and Maps to Silver Creek ValleyTo get directions to the Silver Creek Valley Country Club community from Mapquest or Google, you can use the Main Gate address below or the address to the Main Clubhouse for directions through the Main Gate, or use the Courtside Gate address below for directions through the Courtside Gate. - Main Gate: This is the primary point of entry for all visitors.
5250 Country Club Parkway, San Jose CA 95138 - Silver Creek Valley Country Club main clubhouse: this is just inside the Main Gate
5460 Country Club Parkway, San Jose CA 95138 - Sports Pavilion tennis and swim area: this is just inside the Courtside Gate
5967 Country Club Parkway, San Jose CA 95138
Take the Blossom Hill Road/ Silver Creek Valley Road exit off 101. Go east up the hill on Silver Creek Valley Road about 2.3 miles, and just over the top of the hill you will see the SCVCC Main Gate on your right at 5250 Country Club Parkway, San Jose CA 95138. Check in at the Guard Gate. Here is a closer view map from the 101 exit.